___________________YOGA ___________________
- Practicing yoga in the morning is generally considered to be the best time as it keeps energy levels high during the day. However, you can choose any time of your convenience to practice yoga.
- Your yoga place should be clean, well-ventilated, and away from furnitures or sharp objects.
- Practice on a relatively empty stomach. Yoga postures are always best practiced on a ligh or empty stomach. Ensure to keep a 2 to 3 hours gap in between your meals and your practice.
- Keep your yoga wear simple. Go for loose, comfortable clothing. Also keep aside any excessive jewelry that you are wearing and avoid heavy makeup.
- Warm up before doing intense yoga postures. This is an absolute must. Else you may be at risk of straining your muscles.
- Start will simple and easy yoga poses. Respect your body by growing slowly, or you may end up hurting yourself.
- Be consistent, it’s essential to be regular with your yoga practice. Making it a part of your daily schedule will help turn it into a habit. Twenty minutes of daily yoga practice is more likely to show positive results sooner than two hours of occasional practice.
- Include a variety of yoga techniques. Fix a set of asanas to be done regularly
- You can go for meditation or pranayam (breathing exercises) for a better finish.